We find a lot of customers are "shy" about asking questions. Hey, you have to start somewhere, and we welcome all questions about wine in our store! If we didn't like to talk about it we wouldn't have an entire store full of it! Here is something to get you started. Consider it "wine 101" -- Now you just need to come in and taste it!
The Sulfate Question...
So many of our patrons have expressed concerns and confusion when it comes to this subject. Sulate is a term used to describe sulfur dioxide and other sulfur derivatives. Sulfates are found in all wines as they are a natural product of fermentation. Sulfur dioxide when added to wine prevents oxidation and encourages quickened fermentation. So all wines contain sulfates however sulfates are not added to all wines . Large volume production houses most often add sulfates in order to bring vast quantities of wine to market as fast as possible. At New World Wine Shop we pride ourselves on procuring our wines primarily from small artisan producers therefore practically eliminating the use of additional sulfates. While we haven't produced a vaccination for the "wine flu" just yet, the quality of wines at New World Wine Shop can certainly help with the severity of the symptoms! It's Bellini weather, baby! While the popularity of Bellini's seems much more prominent these days as the signature drink at weddings or even a special treat at art openings, did you know it was created by Guiseppe Ciprani, founder of Harrys Bar in Venice Italy... in 1947!? He named the drink the Bellini because its unique pink color reminded him of the toga of a saint in a painting by 15th century Venetian artist Giovanni Bellini. The drink started as a seasonal specialty at Harrys Bar a favorite haunt of Ernest Hemmingway, Sinclair Lewis and Orson Wells. Consisting of Prosecco, an Italian sparkling wine pureed white peaches and just the right addition of raspberry to give the drink a subtle pink glow. Drop in the shop for a taste our of timeless Bellini imported directly from Venice Italy! Ciao, Bella!
Two Lake Geneva locals with a two glass minimum... simply put, we're the Wine Guys!
March 2017